This past week, I've had to cope with saying goodbye to the lesbian legacy that is Naomily, Naomi Campbell and Emily Fitch from 'Skins'. Two years of watching these girls and it's like I've known them my whole life. I absolutely adore the actresses who play them, Lily Loveless and Kathryn Prescott, respectively. When it comes down to it, really, everything about Naomily is right. I believe that it is very possibly the most accurately portrayed lesbian relationship to ever be on television. They may not realize it yet, but what Kat, Lily and the 'Skins' writers have done in these two short years is so incredibly groundbreaking. Here were two female characters who didn't kiss tight-lipped that one time and never speak of it again because it was Sweeps Week. These two female characters embarked on a journey of a beautiful and sometimes disastrous relationship, but really what they've embarked on here, is a legacy. And one that is not soon to be forgotten.
Although we only had two years, we got to watch Naomily grow from something faint to an incredibly beautiful love story. When we first met Naomi and Emily, we found out that the two had a history. They had kissed previously. Katie, Emily's overbearing twin sister, led everyone to believe that it was Naomi who kissed Emily and that Naomi was the big bad dyke that everyone should avoid. We learn, however, that it was Emily who kissed the blonde. Emily who wanted to do this all the time. The first time we the viewers saw these two lock lips was after an afternoon of MDMA brownies at Panda's house. And it wasn't the drugs, girls, we could all see it. You two were in love.
Naomi's episode, if you haven't seen it, I highly suggest you watch it online and not on the U.S. BBC Channel, was just so beautifully done. The scene of the two of them down by the edge of the lake, and the morning after are some of my favorite scenes of all time. When Emily says, "I know you, Naomi. I know you're lonely. I think you need someone to want you. Well, I DO want, be brave...and want me back." Oh my God, my heart starts breaking every single damn time. Emily knew she was gay right from the start. "I like sex with girls. I like their rosy lips, their hard nipples, bums, soft thighs. I like tits and fanny, you know?" It was Naomi who was struggling to come to terms with it all, pushing Emily away whenever she could. We only found out recently why that was.
Another great Naomily scene is the 'holding hands through the cat flap' scene. Genius. Whoever came up with that is a bloody fucking genius. Naomi tells Emily, "When I'm with you, I feel like I'm a better person. I feel happier, less alone, less lonely." And here starts cracking away at the hard-ass that is Naomi Campbell.
By the time the college Love Ball rolls around, the two are so insanely in love with each other and of course, Naomi is pushing it away. However, love will always find a way. And it does. It takes Emily and Katie beating the piss out of each other to do so, but hey. Emily announces, "I like girls. No, I like A girl. No...I love her." With that, Naomi gestures for Emily to take her hand. FINALLY!!! And with an 'I love you, too', our girls go walking hand-in-hand into the sunset ready to start their happily ever after.
...That is, until the next season. It opens up in a club where all of our favorite friends are dancing away the effects of MDMA and looky here, our favorite girls are making out in public without a care in the world. Aw, isn't that---WHOA! Did you see that? That bitch just offed herself from the balcony. The (at first) nameless face would soon become one of the most important characters in the story of Naomily. But until then, let's put her out of our heads. Our girls are happy and deliriously in love. Room for three on that scooter, ladies? They're living together. U-Hauled like a couple of typical freaking lesbians and they have all the alone time they need. And just when everything seems good as gold, nameless face enters the picture. Her name is Sophia and she was under the influence of MDMA when she died. MDMA that Naomi had sold her, unbeknownst to Emily who now begins to investigate. What she discovers is horrifying, heart wrenching and vomit inducing. It made me so mad that I blogged about it on my music myspace, which you can read here ( Naomi CHEATED on Emily. And I broke down and cried. Not only because I've been in Emily's shoes, but because they worked SO God damn hard to get to where they were, only to have it ruined. Fuck, was I pissed. So pissed that if Lily Loveless happened to have been sitting next to me, I would've punched her square in the ovaries. I cursed Naomi's name under my breath all night. I just couldn't believe it.
The rest of the season between Naomi and Emily was more full of more angst than Kelly Clarkson going worldwide and singing her songs about how much she loves women and not being able to tell anyone...Oops, sorry, back to Naomily. Emily loved Naomi, but she wanted revenge for Naomi's act of ultimate betrayal. This is best illustrated in the cookout scene at Naomi and Emily's place. It is here where we hear Emily tell her most boldfaced lie. We know that there's no one Emily wants to be with other than Naomi. Don't pull that shit on us, Fitch. We're too smart for that.
Throughout the season, it seemed as if everything might've been getting a little better for everyone going through some seriously intense shit. i.e. The darling Effy. Except for Naomily, things just seemed to be getting worse. On top of it all, Emily starting bringing this girl Mandy around the house to basically dangle in front of Naomi. In the last episode, Emily wakes up next to Mandy, who's, uh, kinda sorta naked. Come on, here. Not you, too, Ems. Emily, unsure of what had happened, gets up in a daze and sniffs her fingers. I. DIED. WHO'S IDEA WAS THAT?! THAT. IS. FRICKING. HILARIOUS. Ahh, jeez. ::wipes tears:: Funny shit. After over hearing a conversation between Emily and Naomi, who comes home pretending not to give a damn, Mandy gives Emsy an ultimatum. Shut up, bitch. She ain't yours. Naomi then decides to take a stab back at Emily by dangling the same girl in front of her face. Seriously great acting by Loveless in this scene. Emily leaves, clearly upset and Mandy makes a pass at Naomi and says, "If you don't want her, I do." Thus we have, the slap heard 'round the world. Good for you, Naoms. Fight for your girl!
The next morning, Emily wakes up and turns to see Naomi gazing at her. "I love you" she whispers. Naomi responds with a "Don't lie". When Emily doesn't respond, Naomi gets out of bed and informs Emily that her mom will be moving back soon and that it's probably best if she leaves. COME ON, GUYS!! YOU CAN WORK THIS OUT! DON'T DO THIS! Later we see an ass naked, yes ASS. NAKED. Lily Loveless in bed holding the last shirt that Emily wore to sleep with her. She wraps herself up in bed and lays down in the fetal position. She's been defeated. These two need each other. They both know it. They're just too stubborn to admit it.
The last scene we see our girls in, I can't even...Just watch, let Naomi explain.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! This is what it's all about, folks. That's it, right there. "I would die for you. I love you. I love you so much and it's killing me." You just killed ME, Lily Loveless. There's a damn lump in my throat.
These girls have stolen , broken and re-stolen my heart throughout these past two seasons. Soulmates isn't a term to be tossed around lightly, but watching the story of Naomi and Emily unfold mixed with the real and believable on-screen chemistry between Kathryn Prescott and Lily Loveless, I say this confidently: Emily and Naomi are made for each other. They are soulmates and although we'll never really know, may Naomily live happily ever after!
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