'Love at first sight' would be my first thought about how to describe Ellen Page, and not just for me, but for a lot of us out there in the lesbian community. She has certainly taken the lesbian world by storm becoming everyone's crush and 'It girl'. But is Ellen Page actually a lesbian? Survey says: "HELL YEAH!". She's castrated Patrick Wilson, she stole my heart as the cutest pregnant girl in America, she re-stole my heart all over again playing roller derby, she kisses Drew Barrymore, she wants to hug a girl with her legs. Ladies, the next big celesbian: Ms. Ellen Page. I think she came out to all of us on Saturday Night Live during the skit I'm about to show you, maybe we all should've paid a little closer attention. I apologize for the quality of this video. It's the only one I could find on YouTube.
Baby, if you want to hug a girl with your legs, my legs will return the favor. Just come out and we can spend the better part of our evenings drinking wine, listening to Melissa Etheridge and hugging each other with our legs.
5. Ryan Seacrest
Every time I turn on the TV or the radio, I see his face and I hear his voice. His gay face and his gay voice. Guy has a serious case of gay face. Ryan Seacrest should've been out for years now. I think he's the only person in society who DOESN'T know that he's gay. And just a sidenote, Ryan ol' pal, hanging out with former strippers who look like trannys, probably isn't helping you all that much, just sayin'. Ryan spends probably 18 out of the 24 hours in a day working and that, combined with his built-up sexual tension towards Simon Cowell, must have him constantly about to explode. Dude, put on your rainbow party hat and come kick it over at NPH's, we're having a few drinks.
6. Mary-Kate Olsen
This one was mentioned by a few readers on my first post and the more I started thinking about it, the more I thought, let's drag this bitch OUT! MK, perhaps the more troubled half of the Olsen twins, may have been building up all of her anxiety due to her fears about her sexuality. Let's rewind, shall we? We all remember Mary-Kate and Ashley as Michelle on 'Full House', prior to their 1990's world domination. Then came a film alongside Steve Guttenburg and Kirstie Alley called 'It Takes Two', a tale about two girls, one a prissy spoiled rich girly girl, the other an orphan from Brooklyn with a backwards hat, a mouth like a trucker and a serious baseball swing. Guess which one MK played? That's right, the D.I.T. (Dyke in Training). Fast forward to present day, MK has recently been kicking it along side the former Mrs. Lohan, DJ Samantha Ronson...I still don't understand the attraction girls have to her, but oh well. Come on out, MK, there's a lot of better looking women out there!
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