If you're a lesbian, you're full aware of who Piper Perabo is. Plain and simple. By name. If you're straight, she's 'that girl from 'Coyote Ugly''. So, here's a head's up. Piper has had two lesbian roles yet to date. In two films that any respectable lesbian would have in their DVD collection. In 'Lost and Delirious', she played Paulie, a student at an all girl Catholic school who's sleeping with, and in love, with her roommate Tori (played by Jessica Pare). However, personally, 'Lost and Delirious' is not one of my faves. But the other film in which Piper plays a lesbian is. That film being 'Imagine Me and You'. Perabo plays Rachel, who on her wedding day to Heck (played by Matthew Goode) makes eye contact across the room with Luce (played by Lena Headey, another lady we all know and love). In that moment, everything changes. I absolutely love this movie. Makes a bitch cry every single time. The great thing about this movie is that it's not so much about sexuality, although Luce is openly gay. It's about human attraction. That it's possible for a human being to fall in love with any other human being, no matter their gender. ::sighs:: If only the rest of the world could be as open-minded.
Piper Perabo seems to be a big 'DUH' in terms of celebrities who need to come out. So, I don't need to get into it much. AND she also has a new show coming out soon called 'Covert Affairs' in which she plays a CIA agent. Will you tune in?
#22. Evan Lysacek
Where do I begin, Mr. Lysacek? First off, hands off of Nastia Liukin because you don't like her gender. Sorry, you don't. Miss Liukin if ya Nastia. Evan Lysacek is an Olympic Gold medal winning, World Champion figure skater. He is also currently on this season of 'Dancing With The Stars'...do I even really need to continue?
Evan is incredibly defensive of his sexuality. Apparently, fellow figure skater, the homolicious Johnny Weir, also tried dragging him out, but to no avail. Here's what Evan had to say:
"Since the Olympics, I've dealt with Johnny's questioning my integrity and sexuality, and I've never spoken out on my own behalf no matter how hurtful those things may have been. I should have known better. Best wishes and congratulations to Johnny as he opens the new season of Ice Theatre of New York. I wish him well in all of his future endeavors."
Oh come on, Lysacek. COME. ON. They'd be wicked cute together, don't you think?
Piper has been in 3 movies where she has had a girlfriend. Besides the two mentioned, she had a girlfriend in the movie, Perception. And more than likely, her character Charlie in the movie The Cave, had more girlfriends than any of the male characters in that movie.
ReplyDeleteOh my God! I totally forgot about those. Loved The Cave! Thanks for bringing that to my attention!