It took everything I had not to sing at the top of my lungs throughout the entire movie. What a ballsy soundtrack. And holy shit. Kristen Stewart. She completely blew me away! She absolutely nailed the voice, especially during 'I Love Playing With Fire'. Throughout the film she really just kept impressing me even more...and further fueled my beliefs that she's a serious carpet muncher. Just sayin'.
And Dakota Fanning. How weird was it to see little Dakota Fanning popping pills and blowing lines of coke? At one point, my friend Allison turned to me and said, "Um, all I keep thinking about is her in 'I Am Sam'." She certainly is growing up, that's for sure.
Both Kristen and Dakota should be seriously proud of themselves for this film. They really were both exceptional as Joan Jett and Cherie Currie, respectively.
Let me run through my short list of complaints before I get to the good stuff. I promise this won't be that long. I understand that the movie was mainly about the relationship between Jett and Currie, but would have killed them to have included the other members just a little bit? Alia Shawkat's character, Robin, was fictional, because in reality, The Runaways went through several bass players. But she honestly said a maximum of four words during the whole movie. Two of which were 'Cherry Bomb' during the song. Alia Shawkat is a massive talent and really deserved much more than that.
Then there was Lita Ford, played by Scout Taylor-Compton, whom I love dearly. I have her autographed photo hanging on my wall. I also have TONS of respect for Lita Ford. Come on now, 'Kiss Me Deadly' is a seriously kick-ass tune. In real life, Cherie Currie and Lita Ford never really got along. But ho-ly shit, did this movie make Lita Ford look like a bitch. Not just a bitch. But uber mega bitch. She was not pleasant for a single second, kind of a turn-off.
Drummer Sandy West, played by Stella Maeve who also turned in a great performance, got more screen time than the other two. A couple of memorable scenes were when she was in the shower and Joan Jett was essentially teaching her how to Farrah Fawcett, no less. ::raises eyebrows:: And when she and Jett went into another bands' dressing room. K Stew drops trou and pisses on a guitar. That was great, I got a good laugh at that one. However, Sandy West passed away in 2006 after a battle with cancer. This was not mentioned at the end of the film. In fact, they only mentioned what Jett, Currie and their manager, Kim Fowley ended up doing after The Runaways. I thought that all members should've been included. It would've been respectful to West, plus Lita Ford had a very respectable solo career for herself.
Now, to what I liked. I loved this movie. I really did. I thought it was done exceptionally well and that (just about) everyone involved turned out a great performance. These girls had to learn to play guitar, bass, drums, etc. for this movie. That's commitment, folks. Joan Jett hardly ever left Kristen Stewart's side during the filming of this movie and I think it really paid off. This role was Kristen Stewart's. Thinking on it now, I don't think there's any other actress that could've played this role. Kudos, Kristen, you really were incredible. So good, in fact, that friends of mine who didn't like her before, have an entirely new perspective of K Stewart.
The film was based off of Cherie Currie's memoir "Neon Angel", which obviously included a lot more than what we saw in the movie. In fact, the movie should've added a few details, because at one point, I had to turn to my friends and explain to them why what was happening was happening. Say that one three times fast? I'm not giving much away. Go see the movie or read the book. Or both!
But, of course, there are some things I do need to tell you. K Stewart smooches a few ladies in this movie. One, of course, being Dakota Fanning. Very tastefully done but still like 'HOT DAMN!' all at once.
I hope this movie inspires all of you girl musicians out there. It made me realize that so many all girl and girl fronted bands that hit it big couldn't have done so without the road paved by The Runaways. They really were one kick ass band.
Until Next Time,
Love and Lesbians. xx.
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